S I am currently in a good mood, I figure that it wouldn't be a bad time for me to try my improv stand-up comedy experiment. This might be horribly not funny, but I'm gonna try it anyways. I'm going to walk into a room pick something completely at random, and try to use that as my basis for what I write. Warning: I can almost guarantee that this won't be funny.
Playdough it is then! (Really) I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Playdough is one of those fundamental American toys, like the cotton-gin and cornflakes, but have you ever wondered how that stuff is made? Is there actually some playdough factory that is dedicated solely to the output of this wholesome substance? Wouldn't it be so cool to work there?!
"Hey man, what do you do for work?"
"I sell insurance for Generico."
"That's cool. I work at the playdough factory down the street.
"Really? What's that like?"
"Its probably the coolest job on the planet. I'm in charge of the machine that does the colors. It's not as easy as it sounds. I have to hit a button for the dye to come out. Like if it needs to be blue, I hit the blue button, or if it needs to be yellow, I hit the yellow button. But here's the tricky part, to make it green, I would have to hit the blue AND yellow button."
"Sounds pretty complicated"
"You're tellin' me! There was this one time I accidentally added too much blue, and it was not a pretty picture. They obviously couldn't sell the stuff, so they almost took away my color mixing license. Luckily, they just took it out of my salary. If I hear one more joke about me losing a lot of 'dough' I'm gonna go crazy!"
"That's rough man."
Okay, wow. I'm done. Sorry about that guys. Hopefully I do a better job next time. I really did make that up as I went. You can try that yourself if you want.
LOL! No really. I laughed out loud.
I might make it a weekly thing.
You can try it out in front of an audience next Wed. when you sub for me.
Why wait until then? I'm giving a talk in church tomorrow.
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